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Title: Identifying and assessing valuable resources and core capabilities in public organizations
Authors: Melián González, Arturo 
Batista Canino, Rosa María 
Sánchez Medina, Agustín Jesús 
UNESCO Clasification: 5909 Administración pública
Keywords: Administración pública
Recursos humanos
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: 0020-8523
Journal: International Review of Administrative Sciences 
Abstract: The resource-based view has been one of the most relevant theoretical approaches in Strategic Management. However, its use has not been widespread in public management practice and research. This work aims to apply its premises to public organizations to support strategy formulation. To that end, a set of deductive procedures has been designed to identify the organization's valuable resources and its core capabilities. These procedures seek to reinforce the coherence between the internal diagnosis and the organization's objectives and to make that diagnosis more systematic and exhaustive. They have been applied to a Spanish University to illustrate its utility. Points for practitioners This work applies the prescriptions of the resource-based view to public organizations. The practical implications of this work are straightforward, since it consists of some procedures for internal diagnosis in public organizations. This internal analysis enables the identification of the valuable resources and core capabilities of public administrations, these being the basic units of the internal environment. The determination of these resources and capabilities forms the groundwork to build up the strategy of the organization.
ISSN: 0020-8523
DOI: 10.1177/0020852309359046
Source: International Review of Administrative Sciences[ISSN 0020-8523],v. 76, p. 97-114
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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