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Título: A dynamic model of technology-based opportunity recognition
Autores/as: García Cabrera, Antonia Mercedes 
García Soto, María Gracia 
Clasificación UNESCO: 5311 Organización y dirección de empresas
Palabras clave: Gestión de empresas
Fecha de publicación: 2009
Editor/a: 0971-3557
Publicación seriada: Journal of Entrepreneurship 
Resumen: Studies on the factors determining recognition of business opportunities are based on partial analyses of one or more of the variables that influence that process. But economic relationships between actors are conditioned by ongoing structures of social relationships. This work uses the cognitive approach and presents an integrated study of psychological and sociological variables, and of the interactions between these variables, both of which affect the opportunity recognition stage for technology businesses. The research makes use of a method based on a case study; the work provides a dynamic model in which the key interactions that explain the technology-based opportunity recognition are: (1) the interactions between entrepreneurs with complementary backgrounds, (2) the proactive management of involvement in networks, (3) the entrepreneurial-technological alertness and (4) learning and continuous evaluation.
ISSN: 0971-3557
DOI: 10.1177/097135570901800202
Fuente: Journal of Entrepreneurship[ISSN 0971-3557],v. 18, p. 167-190
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