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Title: Simple method for tidal current prediction in short length convergent channels: an application to the Vigo and Pontevedra estuaries
Authors: Bruno, Miguel
Rico, J.
Alonso-Del-Rosario, J. J.
Ruíz-Cañavate, A.
Mañanes, R.
Martínez, A. 
UNESCO Clasification: 2510 Oceanografía
Keywords: Tidal current
Issue Date: 1998
Journal: International Hydrographic Review 
Abstract: In this paper a simple method for tidal current modelling in short length convergent and elongated channels is presented. The authors have found that for this kind of channels a very suitable approach to tidal current velocity estimation can be obtained through a very simple formula. This method has been developed to obtain reliable tidal current velocity estimations along the channel using as less information as possible. In fact, the only necessary information to apply this method are the harmonic constants of the tidal elevation at any location in the channel and a proper nautical chart. A graphical method is also presented to inquire when the geometrical characteristics of a given channel allow the application of our method. The validation has been performed on two estuaries of the Gallega Estuarine System in Spain.
ISSN: 0020-6946
Source: International Hydrographic Review [ISSN 0020-6946], v. 75 (1), p. 135-152
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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