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Título: Enterocystoplasty in the treatment of interstitial cystitis
Autores/as: Chesa Ponce, N.
Armas Molina, José Vicente 
Artiles Hernández, J. L.
Martín Betancor, D.
García Serrano, C.
Jiménez García, C.
Betancort de León, R.
Clasificación UNESCO: 32 Ciencias médicas
Fecha de publicación: 2001
Editor/a: 0210-4806
Publicación seriada: Actas Urologicas Espanolas 
Resumen: OBJECTIVE: To evaluate supratrigonal cystectomy and enterocystoplasty in patients with interstitial cystitis. METHODS: We reviewed four women with interstitial cystitis with infructuos conservative treatment and performed supratrigonal cystectomy and enterocystoplasty. All the patients fulfilled the NHI criteria with increased voiding frequency by night (mean 7.3 times). In 3 cases urodynamic study was available. We used is the four patients ileon as segment for the enterocystoplasty. RESULTS: Mean postoperative follow up was 60 months. In all cases the suprapubic pain disappeared and night voiding frequency reduced (mean 2.2 times). We don't have mayor complications. One patient needs self catheterism 3 years after surgery. CONCLUSION: In patients with interstitial cystitis to be operated supratrigonal cystectomy and enterocystoplasty is the most effective method.
ISSN: 0210-4806
Fuente: Actas urologicas españolas [ISSN 0210-4806], v. 25, p. 489-492
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