LFE, Rev. leng. fines específ. n.03, 1996 
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Artículo monográfico


Notas bibliográficas

  • Mª Isabel González Cruz, Koenraad Kuiper and W. Scott Alian: an introduction to english language. Sound, word and sentence, p. 339
  • Mª del Pilar González de la Rosa, Studia Lingüistica, p. 340
  • Mª Pilar González de la Rosa, English for specific purposes, p. 341

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 22
TitleAuthor(s)Issue DateTypePreview
Is there a human being in this text? Voice in English for specific purposesFox, Roy F.1996Artículo0233536_00003_0007.pdf.jpg
Latín for specific purposes and latinized english in 15th-century vernacular deedsRodríguez Álvarez, Alicia 1996Artículo0233536_00003_0017.pdf.jpg
The english of advertising: differences in the british and american languages of televisión advertisingPigott, Margaret B.1996Artículo0233536_00003_0016.pdf.jpg
The exploitation of the rhetorical structure of the text to improve ESP reading comprehensionLahuerta Martínez, Ana Cristina1996Artículo0233536_00003_0012.pdf.jpg
An orientation of the executive english for final aimsHenríquez Jiménez, Santiago 1996Artículo0233536_00003_0009.pdf.jpg
The use of dramatic dialog in teaching English to volunteer tour guides in KoreaChoi, Uhn-Kyung1996Artículo0233536_00003_0004.pdf.jpg
Translation studies: an interview with Mary Snell-HombyRamírez Jaimez, Ana Sofía1996Artículo0233536_00003_0021.pdf.jpg
Task based language teaching in a leamer-centered ESP setting: a case studyLundstrom, Phoenix1996Artículo0233536_00003_0013.pdf.jpg
Evaluating L1 and L2 spoken narratives of japanese college studentsMatsuura, Hiroko; Chiba, Reiko; Fujieda, Miho1996Artículo0233536_00003_0015.pdf.jpg
World englishes as a site for pedagogies of the public sphereSingh, Amarjit1996Artículo0233536_00003_0020.pdf.jpg
An analysis of BUP students' preferences on topics of current eventsJiménez Catalán, Rosa María1996Artículo0233536_00003_0010.pdf.jpg
Difficulties in teaching technical english in JapanMaruyama, Hitoshi1996Artículo0233536_00003_0014.pdf.jpg
Notas bibliográficas1996Artículo0233536_00003_0022.pdf.jpg
The pragmatics of english in african literatureBamiro, Edmund O.1996Artículo0233536_00003_0001.pdf.jpg
How to understand medical languageEnríquez de Salamanca, Mercedes1996Artículo0233536_00003_0006.pdf.jpg
Las denominaciones que aluden a la movilidad del dinero y sus metáforas en el argot francésCubillo Ferreira, Carmen D.; Rohr, Kerstin1996Artículo0233536_00003_0003.pdf.jpg
Education or indoctrination? Cultural considerations in the export of Australian University EducationChristopher, Elizabeth1996Artículo0233536_00003_0005.pdf.jpg
L'interprétation de conférences: facteurs extemes et leurs implicationsValdivia Campos, Carmen1996Artículo0233536_00003_0018.pdf.jpg
Project work in the ESP classroomGarcía Mayo, María del Pilar1996Artículo0233536_00003_0008.pdf.jpg
Politeness models in indian englishValentine, Tamara M.1996Artículo0233536_00003_0019.pdf.jpg
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 22