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Título: An analysis and implementation of the harris corner detector
Autores/as: Sánchez, Javier 
Monzón, Nelson 
Salgado De La Nuez, Agustín 
Clasificación UNESCO: 220990 Tratamiento digital. Imágenes
Palabras clave: Harris corner
Feature detector
Interest point
Autocorrelation matrix
Non-maximum suppression
Fecha de publicación: 2018
Publicación seriada: Image Processing On Line 
Resumen: In this work, we present an implementation and thorough study of the Harris corner detector. This feature detector relies on the analysis of the eigenvalues of the autocorrelation matrix. The algorithm comprises seven steps, including several measures for the classification of corners, a generic non-maximum suppression method for selecting interest points, and the possibility to obtain the corners position with subpixel accuracy. We study each step in detail and propose several alternatives for improving the precision and speed. The experiments analyze the repeatability rate of the detector using different types of transformations.
ISSN: 2105-1232
DOI: 10.5201/ipol.2018.229
Fuente: Image Processing On Line [ISSN 2105-1232], v. 8, p. 305-328
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