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Título: An extended version of the Font-Roja job satisfaction questionnaire
Autores/as: Núñez González, Eduardo 
Estévez Guerra, Gabriel J. 
Hernández Marrero, Pablo
Marrero Medina, Carmen Delia 
Fecha de publicación: 2007
Editor/a: 0213-9111
Publicación seriada: Gaceta Sanitaria 
Resumen: Introduction: Several studies have shown the need to include the physical work environment among the dimensions included in job satisfaction evaluation. However, this dimension was not included in the Font-Roja questionnaire. The present study introduces two items exploring this dimension and adheres to the hypothesis that physical work environment has a significant impact on job satisfaction evaluation.Method: A total of 227 geriatric workers participated in this study. The participants completed the Font-Roja job satisfaction questionnaire with 2 additional items exploring the physical work environment. Factor analysis and principal components analysis with rotation varimax were used to determine the diverse components of job satisfaction. To determine the coherence of the scales and the consistency of the added items, Cronbach's alpha was used. These methods were applied to both questionnaires, the classical 24-item questionnaire and the extended 26-item questionnaire.Results: The classical Font-Roja questionnaire was composed of 8 factors, explaining 60.02% of the variance. The extended questionnaire was structured into 9 factors, explaining 61.81% of the variance. The new factor was composed of both added items. The internal consistency of the Font-Roja classical scale was alpha = 0.773 and that of the extended scale was alpha = 0.791.Discussion: The extended scale is superior to the classical scale. The results obtained seem to support the hypothesis that, for analysis of job satisfaction, the instruments used should contain items on the physical work environment.
ISSN: 0213-9111
DOI: 10.1157/13101040
Fuente: Gaceta Sanitaria[ISSN 0213-9111],v. 21, p. 136-141
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