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Título: Computing credibility bonus-malus premiums using the total claim amount distribution
Autores/as: Gómez-Déniz, Emilio 
Hernández-Bastida, Agustín
Fernández-Sánchez, M. Pilar
Clasificación UNESCO: 1209 Estadística
Palabras clave: Distribución
Fecha de publicación: 2014
Editor/a: 1303-5010
Publicación seriada: Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 
Resumen: Assuming a bivariate prior distribution for the two risk parameters appearing in the distribution of the total claim amount when the primary distribution is geometric and the secondary one is exponential, we derive Bayesian premiums which can be written as credibility formulas. These expressions can be used to compute bonus-malus premiums based on the distribution of the total claim amount but not for the claims which produce the amounts. The methodology proposed is easy to perform, and the maximum likelihood method is used to compute the bonus-malus premiums for a real set of automobile insurance data, one that is well known in actuarial literature.
ISSN: 1303-5010
Fuente: Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics[ISSN 1303-5010],v. 43, p. 1047-1061
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