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Title: Quantifying the effects of tourism crises: An application to Scotland
Authors: Eugenio-Martin, Juan L. 
Sinclair, M. Thea
UNESCO Clasification: 531290 Economía sectorial: turismo
Keywords: Turismo
Crisis económica
Issue Date: 2005
Journal: Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing 
Abstract: Effective crisis management requires information about the ways in which tourists of different nationalities respond to different types of crisis. This paper provides a model which can be used to quantify such effects. The model is applied to the case of American, French and German tourism demand in Scotland. The results show that French tourists were particularly affected by the foot and mouth disease crisis. Germans were most severely affected by the September 11 events. Although arrivals from the USA decreased after both crises, receipts were hardly affected.
ISSN: 1054-8408
DOI: 10.1300/J073vl9n02_03
Source: Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing [1054-8408], v. 19(2-3), p. 21-34
Appears in Collections:Capítulo de libro
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