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Title: Type 2 diabetes and cognitive impairment in an older population with overweight or obesity and metabolic syndrome: baseline cross-sectional analysis of the PREDIMED-plus study
Authors: Mallorqui-Bague, Nuria
Lozano-Madrid, Maria
Toledo, Estefania
Corella, Dolores
Salas-Salvado, Jordi
Cuenca-Royo, Aida
Vioque, Jesus
Romaguera, Dora
Alfredo Martinez, J.
Warnberg, Julia
Lopez-Miranda, Jose
Estruch, Ramon
Bueno-Cavanillas, Aurora
Alonso-Gomez, Angel
Tur, Josep A.
Tinahones, Francisco J.
Serra-Majem, Lluis 
Martin, Vicente
Lapetra, Jose
Vazquez, Clotilde
Pinto, Xavier
Vidal, Josep
Daimiel, Lidia
Gaforio, Jose J.
Matia, Pilar
Ros, Emilio
Granero, Roser
Buil-Cosiales, Pilar
Barragan, Rocio
Bullo, Monica
Castaner, Olga
Garcia-de-la-Hera, Manoli
Yanez, Aina M.
Abete, Itziar
Garcia-Rios, Antonio
Ruiz-Canela, Miguel
Diaz-Lopez, Andres
Jimenez-Murcia, Susana
Martinez-Gonzalez, Miguel A.
De la Torre, Rafael
Fernandez-Aranda, Fernando
UNESCO Clasification: 3206 Ciencias de la nutrición
Keywords: Executive Function
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: 2045-2322
Project: Efecto de la Dieta Mediterránea Hopocalórica y Promoción de la Actividad Física en Prevención Primaria Cardiovascular.Estudio Piloto Sobre Marcadores Intermedios. 
Efecto de Una Pérdida de Peso Con Dieta Mediterránea Hipocalórica y Promoción de la Actividad Física en la Prevención Primaria Cardiovascular 
Neuroprotección Por Bloqueo de la Capacidad de Transactivadora Nf-Kb y Factores Relacionados. 
Journal: Scientific Reports 
Abstract: This study cross-sectionally examines in the elderly population: (a) the association of type 2 diabetes with executive function (EF); (b) the effect of BMI on both type 2 diabetes and EF; (c) the association between glycaemia control and EF in type 2 diabetes. 6823 older individuals with overweight/obesity and metabolic syndrome participating in the PREDIMED-PLUS study, were assessed with a battery of cognitive tests and a medical interview. ANOVA showed a significantly worse performance on EF in type 2 diabetes vs. non-diabetic individuals. Two complementary models were displayed: (1) in the whole sample, the presence of type 2 diabetes, depressive symptoms and BMI had a direct negative effect on EF, while apnoea had an indirect negative effect; (2) in the diabetes subsample, higher illness duration was associated with worse performance in EF. Participants with type 2 diabetes and HbA1c<53 mmol/mol displayed better cognitive performance when compared to those with HbA1c >= 53 mmol/mol. Our results provide a controlled comprehensive model that integrates relevant neuropsychological and physical variables in type 2 diabetes. The model suggests that, to improve treatment adherence and quality of life once diabetes has been diagnosed, cognitive decline prevention strategies need to be implemented while monitoring depressive symptoms, BMI and glycaemia control.
ISSN: 2045-2322
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-33843-8
Source: Scientific Reports [ISSN 2045-2322], v. 8, article number 16128, (Octubre 2018)
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