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Title: An extended model of the interaction between work-related attitudes and job performance
Authors: Melián-González, Santiago 
UNESCO Clasification: 5309 Organización industrial y políticas gubernamentales
Keywords: Employee attitudes
Employment contracts
Job satisfaction
Issue Date: 2016
Journal: International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management 
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to . Design/methodology/approach – The proposed model was tested using a sample of a company’s 104 employees and through partial least squares analysis. Findings – A total of 23 percent of the variance in job performance was explained. Interactions among attitudes were all significant. PSS and psychological contract breach accounted for 70 percent of the POS variance. Research limitations/implications – There is a risk of common-method bias. The cross-sectional design limits making causal inferences. Practical implications – Instead of measuring employee attitudes in an amorphous way, managers can rely on the included attitudes since these are significant for job performance. The construct’s content allows managers to elaborate specific practices to improve staffs’ attitudinal state. Originality/value – This model incorporates five independent attitudes that any employee can experience. This is the first study that proposes and tests an interaction among all of them that is significant for job performance.
ISSN: 1741-0401
DOI: 10.1108/IJPPM-10-2014-0158
Source: International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management[ISSN 1741-0401],v. 65, p. 42-57
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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