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Título: Context-dependent evaluation of climate change policies: competing policies, knowledge and emotions
Autores/as: León González, Carmelo Javier 
Araña, Jorge E. 
Clasificación UNESCO: 2502 Climatología
5312 Economía sectorial
Palabras clave: Climate change
Contingent valuation
Joint evaluation
Knowledge, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2016
Publicación seriada: Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 
Resumen: Climate change policies can compete with policies on other social and environmental problems for limited economic resources. This paper investigates the potential influence of alternative policies on citizens’ preferences for climate change policies. A contingent valuation study was implemented to estimate the impact of observable and unobservable contextual effects of competing polices on climate change valuation. Individuals are also investigated about their endowment of knowledge and emotional reactions to such problems. The results show that citizens’ valuation of climate change policies crucially depends on the context-dependent competing policies. The valuation rises as the number of competing policies increases. This increment becomes economically significant when the competing policies are related to specific problems such as forest fires and development. In addition, the valuation also rises with the amount of knowledge endowed by the individual about the climate change problem, and with the experience of negative emotions such as fear and sadness.
ISSN: 0964-0568
DOI: 10.1080/09640568.2015.1037880
Fuente: Journal of Environmental Planning and Management[ISSN 0964-0568],v. 59, p. 687-707
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