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Title: The Etappe Kanaren: A case study of the secret supply of the German Navy in Spain during the Second World War
Authors: Díaz Benítez, Juan J. 
UNESCO Clasification: 550402 Historia contemporánea
Keywords: Canary Islands
German Navy
Second World War
Spanish non-belligerency, et al
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: 0843-8714
Journal: International Journal of Maritime History 
Abstract: The secret supply of the German Navy during the Second World War has scarcely been studied until now. The goal of this article is to study one of the more active supply areas of the Etappendienst at the beginning of the war, the one known as Etappe Kanaren, as part of the Grossetappe Spanien-Portugal. In this research primary sources from German Naval War Command have been consulted. Among the main conclusions, it should be pointed out, on the one hand, the intense activity to support the Kriegsmarine during the first years of the war, despite the distance from mainland Spain and the British pressure, which finally stopped the supply operations. On the other hand, we have confirmed the active role of the Spanish government in relation to the Etappendienst: Spanish authorities allowed the supply operations, but pressure from the Allies forced the Spanish government to impede these activities.
ISSN: 0843-8714
DOI: 10.1177/0843871418776929
Source: International Journal of Maritime History [ISSN 0843-8714], v. 30 (3), p. 472-487
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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