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Título: Extra-and ordinary women of the middle ages and the renaissance
Autores/as: Mele Marrero, Margarita 
Clasificación UNESCO: 550510 Filología
570107 Lengua y literatura
Fecha de publicación: 2002
Publicación seriada: Philologica canariensia 
Resumen: The image of certain marginal female protagonists as they appeared in literature does not coincide with the cognitíve analysis of the general designations women received. Examples of Medieval and Renaissance English women show how they were viewed both as heroines and despised creatures. This second conception can be clearly seen tiirough the container and animal metaphor (Lakoff and Johnson) used when addressing these women outsiders of their times.
ISSN: 1136-3169
Fuente: Philologica Canariensia [ISSN 1136-3169], n. 8-9, p. 367-381, (2002-2003)
Colección:Philol. Canar. n.008-9, 2002-2003 
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