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Título: Construct and concurrent validity of the short- and long-form versions of the trait emotional intelligence questionnaire
Autores/as: Laborde, Sylvain
Allen, Mark S.
Guillen, Felix 
Clasificación UNESCO: 61 Psicología
Palabras clave: Concurrent validity
Confirmatory factor analysis
Construct validity
Emotional intelligence
Fecha de publicación: 2016
Publicación seriada: Personality and Individual Differences 
Resumen: This study tested the concurrent validity of the short-form version of the trait emotional intelligence questionnaire (TEIQue-SF) against the long-form version (TEIQue-LF), and the construct validity of each questionnaire. In total, 1889 Spanish adults (935 women, 954 men; mean age = 21.56 years, age range = 18-37 years) completed the TEIQue-SF and TEIQue-LF, the order of which was counterbalanced across participants. Confirmatory factor analysis supported the 4-factor structure of both the short-form and long-form versions, with marginally stronger factor loadings observed for the long-form. Bivariate correlations demonstrated a high degree of similarity in scoring on the TEIQue-SF and TEIQue-LF for each subscales and the global trait emotional intelligence (EI): well-being (r = 0.76), self-control (r = 0.69), emotionality (r = 0.78), sociability (r = 0.71), and global trait EI (r = 0.83). Overall, findings indicate that the TEIQue-SF is a viable alternative to the TEIQue-LF for research in time-restricted conditions where the completion of long questionnaires might be unfeasible.
ISSN: 0191-8869
DOI: 10.1016/j.paid.2016.06.009
Fuente: Personality And Individual Differences[ISSN 0191-8869],v. 101, p. 232-235
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