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Title: The Spanish Civil War described by two women travelers
Authors: Mulligan, Maureen 
UNESCO Clasification: 57 Lingüística
Keywords: Colonial traveler
Cosmopolitan traveler
Political involvement
Spanish Civil War, et al
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: 1465-2609
Journal: Journeys-The International Journal Of Travel And Travel Writing 
Abstract: This article contrasts two accounts by women written between 1936 and 1939 describing their experiences of Spain during the Spanish Civil War. The aim is to question how far travel writers have a political and ethical relation to the place they visit and to what extent they deal with this in their texts. The global politics of travel writing and the distinction between colonial and cosmopolitan travel writers affect the way a foreign culture is articulated for the home market through discursive and linguistic strategies. The texts are Kate O'Brien's Farewell Spain (1937) and Gamel Woolsey's Death's Other Kingdom: A Spanish Village in 1936 (1939). The conclusions suggest women adopt a range of positions toward the Spanish conflict, depending on their personal commitment and their contact with local people, but their concern to articulate the experience of others in time of crisis has a strong ethical component.
ISSN: 1465-2609
DOI: 10.3167/jys.2018.190104
Source: Journeys: The international journal of travel and travel writing [ISSN 1465-2609], v. 19 (1), p. 67-87
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