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Título: Applicability of the direct injection liquid chromatographic tandem mass spectrometric analytical approach to the sub-ng L−1 determination of perfluoro-alkyl acids in waste, surface, ground and drinking water samples
Autores/as: Ciofi, Lorenzo
Renai, Lapo
Rossini, Daniele
Ancillotti, Claudia
Falai, Alida
Fibbi, Donatella
Bruzzoniti, Maria Concetta
Santana-Rodríguez, José Juan 
Orlandini, Serena
Del Bubba, Massimo
Clasificación UNESCO: 2391 Química ambiental
Palabras clave: Direct injection UHPLC-MS/MS
Perfluoroalkyl acids
Drinking water
Environmental water
Wastewater, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2018
Editor/a: 0039-9140
Publicación seriada: Talanta 
Resumen: The applicability of a direct injection UHPLC-MS/MS method for the analysis of several perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) in a wide range of water matrices was investigated. The method is based on the direct injection of 100 mu L of centrifuged water sample, without any other sample treatment. Very good method detection limits (0.014-0.44 mu g L-1) and excellent intra and inter-day precision (RSD% values in the range 1.8-4.4% and 2.7-5.7%, respectively) were achieved, with a total analysis time of 20 min per sample. A high number of samples i.e. 8 drinking waters (DW), 12 ground waters (GW), 13 surface waters (SW), 8 influents and 11 effluents of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPIN and WWTPOUT) were processed and the extent of matrix effect (ME) was calculated, highlighting the strong prevalence of vertical bar ME vertical bar < 20%. The occurrence of vertical bar ME vertical bar > 50% was occasionally observed only for perfluorooctanesulphonic and perfluorodecanoic acids. Linear discriminant analysis highlighted the great contribution of the sample origin (i.e. DW, GW, SW, WWTPIN and WWTPOUT) to the ME. Partial least square regression (PLS) and leave-one-out cross-validation were performed in order to interpret and predict the signal suppression or enhancement phenomena as a function of physicochemical parameters of water samples (i.e. conductivity, hardness and chemical oxygen demand) and background chromatographic area. The PLS approach resulted only in an approximate screening, due to the low prediction power of the PLS models. However, for most analytes in most samples, the fitted and cross-validated values were such as to correctly distinguish between vertical bar ME vertical bar higher than 20% or below this limit. PFAAs in the aforementioned water samples were quantified by means of the standard addition method, highlighting their occurrence mainly in WWTP influents and effluents, at concentrations as high as one hundred of mu g L-1
ISSN: 0039-9140
DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2017.08.052
Fuente: Talanta [ISSN 0039-9140], v. 176, p. 412-421
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