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Título: Measuring the gradualist approach to internationalization: empirical evidence from the wine sector
Autores/as: Clavel San Emeterio, Mónica
Fernández-Ortiz, Rubén
Arteaga-Ortiz, Jesús 
Dorta-González, Pablo 
Clasificación UNESCO: 120901 Estadística analítica
Palabras clave: Psychic Distance
Cultural Distance
Foreign Ownership
Business Research
Friction, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2018
Publicación seriada: PLoS ONE 
Resumen: The objective of this paper is to fill a gap in the literature on internationalization, in relation to the absence of objective and measurable performance indicators for the process of how firms sequentially enter external markets. To that end, this research develops a quantitative tool for use as a performance indicator of gradualness for firms entering external markets at a sectoral level. The performance indicator is based on firms' export volumes, number of years operating in the export market, geographic areas targeted for export and when exports began to each area. The indicator is tested empirically in the wine sector. The main contribution of this study is the creation of a reliable international priority index, which can serve more widely as a valuable tool because of its potential use in other industry sectors and geographic areas, and which would allow the analysis of how geographically differentiated internationalization strategies develop.
ISSN: 1932-6203
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0196804
Fuente: PLoS ONE [ISSN 1932-6203], v. 13(5), e0196804
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