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Title: La Palaestra Progymnastica de Adam Gschwend
Other Titles: The Palaestra Progymnastica by Adam Gschwend
Authors: Arcos Pereira, Trinidad 
UNESCO Clasification: 620205 Retórica
5702 Lingüística diacrónica
Keywords: Progymnasmata
Adam Gschwend
Issue Date: 2017
Journal: Euphrosyne 
Abstract: Adam Gschwend was one of a group of German professors who simplified and adapted Aftonio's preceptive progymnasmatica to the social and cultural reality of his time and to the educational needs of the schools where he taught Rhetoric. The purpose of this article is to make a first study of his Palaestra Progymnastica, a brief manual intended for the teaching of the progymnasmata to students starting to study Rhetoric at the Gymnasium of Eisenberg. The Palaestra is not a mere summary of the Aphthonii Progymnasmata. On a formal level, the Palaestra is characterized by its schematic structure. The manual is essentially practical and includes instructions on style, formulas and advice. With regard to his examples, the themes are varied, although religious ones pre-dominated, which links him to the reformist pedagogical movement.
ISSN: 0870-0133
DOI: 10.1484/J.EUPHR.5.125193
Source: Euphrosyne [ISSN 0870-0133], n. 45, p. 395-408, (Enero 2017)
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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