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Title: Shape optimized inclined single and double wall wave barriers for ground vibration mitigation
Authors: Bordón, J. D.R. 
Van hoorickx, C.
Aznárez, J. J. 
Schevenels, M.
Maeso, O. 
Lombaert, G.
UNESCO Clasification: 33 Ciencias tecnológicas
Keywords: Wave barrier
Shape optimization
Boundary Element Method
Shape sensitivity
Analytical sensitivity
Issue Date: 2018
Project: Avances en El Desarrollo de Modelos Numéricos Para la Caracterización Dinámica de Cimentaciones Para Aerogeneradores 
Influencia de Los Fenómenos de Interacción Suelo-Estructura en la Respuesta Sísmica de Aerogeneradores Marinos 
Journal: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 
Abstract: Stiff wave barriers are capable of reducing the transmission of ground vibrations. Most designs consist of a single vertical wall, although double walls are also being considered. This paper investigates the shape optimization (position, inclination, length and thickness) of these topologies in a two-dimensional setting, for a point source and a point receiver placed symmetrically with respect to the design domain. Three types of sources are studied: a single-frequency source, a broadband source and a harmonic source within a given frequency range. An economical constraint on the maximum material use is considered. A multi-region BEM methodology is used for evaluating the objective function and its gradient. Analytical expressions are presented for the sensitivities, providing a very effective simulation tool for this type of problem. It is found that significant improvement can be achieved by repositioning and inclining the walls when compared to the reference cases. It is also found that optimized double wall barriers outperform single wall barriers. The improvement is insignificant for sources which generate Rayleigh wavelengths similar to the design domain depth, but it greatly increases as frequency increases and the penetration depth decreases.
ISSN: 0267-7261
DOI: 10.1016/j.soildyn.2018.04.035
Source: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering [ISSN 0267-7261], v. 112, p. 215-231
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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