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Título: The influence of knowledge-based factors on taxi competitiveness at island destinations: An analysis on tips
Autores/as: García-Almeida, Desiderio Juan 
Klassen, Norbert
Clasificación UNESCO: 531290 Economía sectorial: turismo
531212 Transportes y comunicaciones
Palabras clave: Taxi
Fecha de publicación: 2017
Publicación seriada: Tourism Management 
Resumen: Mobility at the destination is an important element of the tourism system on islands. Tourists have mobility needs that are often met by trains, buses, taxis and other means of transport there. The competitiveness of the taxi industry can be strategic for destinations because it is an industry with a traditional high proportion of entrepreneurs and SMEs. The knowledge-based view has contributed to understand firm performance better, and knowledge-based factors can be crucial for taxi competitiveness. The impact of taxi drivers' knowledgebased- aspects on tips are analysed, since this last factor is an interesting proxy for competitiveness due to its link to tourist satisfaction and potential loyalty. The empirical approach of this work is based on a survey in Gran Canaria, Spain. Knowledge of foreign languages (with mixed results), driving knowledge and knowledge creation seem to exert a significance influence on tips and play a relevant role in taxi competitiveness.
ISSN: 0261-5177
DOI: 10.1016/j.tourman.2016.07.011
Fuente: Tourism Management[ISSN 0261-5177],v. 59, p. 110-122
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