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Title: Fungal pattern receptors down-regulate the inflammatory response by a cross-inhibitory mechanism independent of interleukin-10 production
Authors: Rodríguez, Mario
Márquez, Saioa
De La Rosa Medina, Vladimir 
Alonso, Sara
Castrillo Viguera, Antonio 
Sánchez Crespo, Mariano
Fernández, Nieves
UNESCO Clasification: 2412 Inmunología
32 Ciencias médicas
Keywords: Cytokines
Dendritic cells
Fungal infection
Issue Date: 2017
Journal: Immunology 
Abstract: Cyclic AMP regulatory element binding protein and signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) may control inflammation by several mechanisms, one of the best characterized is the induction of the expression of the anti-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-10 (IL-10). STAT3 also down-regulates the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines induced by immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM)-coupled receptors, a mechanism termed cross-inhibition. Because signalling via ITAM-dependent mechanisms is a hallmark of fungal pattern receptors, STAT3 activation might be involved in the cross-inhibition associated with invasive fungal infections. The fungal surrogate zymosan produced the phosphorylation of Y705-STAT3 and the expression of Ifnb1 and Socs3, but did not induce the interferon (IFN)-signature cytokines Cxcl9 and Cxcl10 in bone marrow-derived dendritic cells. Unlike lipopolysaccharide (LPS), zymosan induced IL-10 and phosphorylated Y705-STAT3 to a similar extent in Irf3 and Ifnar1 knockout and wild-type mice. Human dendritic cells showed similar results, although the induction of IFNB1 was less prominent. These results indicate that LPS and zymosan activate STAT3 through different routes. Whereas type I IFN is the main effector of LPS effect, the mechanism involved in Y705-STAT3 phosphorylation by zymosan is more complex, cannot be associated with type I IFN, IL-6 or granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor, and seems dependent on several factors given that it was partially inhibited by the platelet-activating factor antagonist WEB2086 and high concentrations of COX inhibitors, p38 mitogen-activate protein kinase inhibitors, and blockade of tumour necrosis factor-alpha function. Altogether, these results indicate that fungal pattern receptors share with other ITAM-coupled receptors the capacity to produce cross-inhibition through a mechanism involving STAT3 and induction of SOCS3 and IL-10, but that cannot be explained through type I IFN signalling.
ISSN: 0019-2805
DOI: 10.1111/imm.12678
Source: Immunology [ISSN 0019-2805], v. 150 (2), p. 184-198
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