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Title: Adaptive Estimation of WiFi RSSI and Its Impact Over Advanced Wireless Services
Authors: Santana, José Aurelio 
López, Elsa Macías 
Suárez Sarmiento, Álvaro 
Marrero, Domingo 
Mena, Vicente 
UNESCO Clasification: 3304 Tecnología de los ordenadores
Keywords: RSSI
Wireless fidelity
Moving average
Software defined networking
Issue Date: 2017
Journal: Mobile Networks and Applications 
Abstract: RSSI is a reference magnitude of radio signal strength received by a wireless terminal. Traditionally, it has been used to implement wireless services like scanning in handoff. But its high long term variability (volatility) makes its high precision estimation be impossible, complicating its applicability. Moreover, every wireless terminal has its own way to provide RSSI. Recently a high impact paper has formally shown that RSSI of laboratory radio signal in WiFi always reverts to its mean. That is, its long term stability can be estimated. We present a new RSSI estimation model that improves other recently published methods; and shows that it can be used, in contrast with those other techniques, to a wide range of current wireless terminals and real world scenarios. We also show its applicability to indoor localization service, by observing how it can be used in a recent high impact paper and improving another paper also published in a high impact journal. Our method can be used in SDN.
ISSN: 1383-469X
DOI: 10.1007/s11036-016-0729-1
Source: Mobile Networks and Applications[ISSN 1383-469X],v. 22, p. 1100-1112
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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