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Título: Teaching quality in Math class: the development of a scale and the analysis of its relationship with engagement and achievement
Autores/as: Leon, Jaime 
Medina-Garrido, Elena
Núñez, Juan L. 
Clasificación UNESCO: 5801 Teoría y métodos educativos
Palabras clave: Teacher behavior/beliefs
Student engagement
Education assessment
Fecha de publicación: 2017
Publicación seriada: Frontiers in Psychology 
Resumen: Math achievement and engagement declines in secondary education; therefore, educators are faced with the challenge of engaging students to avoid school failure. Within self-determination theory, we address the need to assess comprehensively student perceptions of teaching quality that predict engagement and achievement. In study one we tested, in a sample of 548 high school students, a preliminary version of a scale to assess nine factors: teaching for relevance, acknowledge negative feelings, participation encouragement, controlling language, optimal challenge, focus on the process, class structure, positive feedback, and caring.
ISSN: 1664-1078
DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00895
Fuente: Frontiers in Psychology [ISSN 1664-1078], v. 8, (895)
Derechos: by-nc-nd
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