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Title: Climatic changes over the last 5,000,000 years as recorded in the Canary Islands
Authors: Meco, J. 
Petit-Maire, Nicole
Guillou, Hervé
Carracedo, J. C. 
Lomoschitz, A. 
Ramos, A. J.G. 
Ballester Santos, Javier
UNESCO Clasification: 24 Ciencias de la vida
2416 Paleontología
250205 Paleoclimatología
Keywords: Pleistocene
Issue Date: 2003
Journal: Episodes 
Abstract: Successive sedimentary sequences were observed in the Canary Islands. The warm phases are documented by marine terraces and their warm fauna; they are in intercalated between humid episodes documented by fossiliferous paleosols and arid episodes documented by polygonal soils and calcretes. The arid phases are testified to by heavy eolian deposition and dunes building.
ISSN: 0705-3797
Source: Episodes[ISSN 0705-3797],v. 26, p. 133-134
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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