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Título: Study of the oceanographic conditions in the Caribbean in 2003
Autores/as: Vega Carreño, Déborah
Director/a : Hernández Guerra, Alonso 
Clasificación UNESCO: 2510 Oceanografía
Palabras clave: Oceanografía
Mar Caribe
Fecha de publicación: 2016
Resumen: A meridional hydrographic section was made in October 2003 at 66ºW from the coast of Venezuela to Puerto Rico. In this report, we concentrate from surface to 1700 m depth in the Caribbean. The data show two distinct water masses with different origins: Caribbean Surface Water, with salinity values less that 35.5, and Subtropical Underwater (SUW), with subsurface salinity higher than 37, with their source in the North Atlantic and subtropics respectively, as previously observed. Different velocity patterns in the water masses from Atlantic Ocean to the Caribbean are observed. Mass transport through the section is westward and about 30 Sv that matches the transport of the Florida Current.
Departamento: Departamento de Física
Facultad: Facultad de Ciencias del Mar
Instituto: IU de Oceanografía y Cambio Global
Titulación: Grado en Ciencias del Mar
Derechos: by-nc-nd
Colección:Trabajo final de grado
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