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Title: The Teide - Pico Viejo volcanic complex and NW rift-zone of Tenerife : volcanic evolution and hazard assessment (Canary Islands)
Authors: Paris, Raphaël
Carracedo, J.C.
Paterne, Martine
Guillou, Hervé
Scaillet, S.
Perez-Torrado, Francisco-Jose 
Rodriguez-Badiola, Eduardo
Hansen Machín, Alex
UNESCO Clasification: 250621 Vulcanología
Keywords: Pico Viejo (Tenerife)
Teide (Tenerife)
Issue Date: 2005
Abstract: The island of Tenerife is located in the central part of the hotspot-incluced Canarian archipielago and represents the early rejuvenated stage of volcanic evolution. The Upper Pleistocene and Holocene volcanism of Tenerife was concentrated in a central volcanic complex (Pico del Teide and Pico Viejo twin volcanoes) nested to a northeast and a northwest rift-zone (NWRZ). Most of the central prehistoric and historic eruptions were nit directly related to the Teide volcano, which apparently had only one eruption in the las 20ka (about 1,240 +- 60 years BP), but to flank parasitic vents producing thick phonolitic flows. Most of the fissural Holocene eruption (mostly basalts and basanites) occurred along the NWRZ. Our methodology to assess the volcanic hazard in Tenerife is based upon: (1) New C and K/Ar ages of the Teide – Pico Viejo complex and NWRZ, (2) Detailed mapping of the lava flows and eruptive centres using a GIS software, (3) Geochemistry and morphology of the lava flows, related to eruptive mechanism, (4) Geoarcheology, considering that the early human settlement of Tenerife has undergone volcanic eruptions, (5) Mapping of the lava inundation zones and predicted paths of lava flows using a DEM software, (6) Mapping of the volcanic risk, vulnerability and volcanic hazards. Our results will be compared with previous studies in hazard assessment, such as remote sensing, seismic, gas, geodetic, gravity and electromagnetic monitoring.
Source: Sixth International Conference on Geomorphology, p.313
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