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Título: Intrinsic order and hamming weight
Autores/as: González, Luis 
Clasificación UNESCO: 110202 Algebra de Boole
12 Matemáticas
120808 Procesos estocásticos
1208 Probabilidad
Palabras clave: Complex stochastic Boolean systems
Hamming weight
Intrinsic order
Intrinsic order graph
Fecha de publicación: 2012
Publicación seriada: Lecture notes in engineering and computer science 
Conferencia: 2012 World Congress on Engineering, WCE 2012 
Resumen: The intrinsic order is a partial order relation defined on the set {0, 1} n of all binary n-tuples. This ordering enables one to automatically compare binary n-tuple probabilities without computing them, just looking at the relative positions of their 0s & 1s. In this paper, new relations between the intrinsic ordering and the Hamming weight (i.e., the number of 1-bits in a binary n-tuple) are derived. All theoretical results are rigorously proved and illustrated through the intrinsic order graph…
ISBN: 9789881925213
ISSN: 2078-0958
Fuente: Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science[ISSN 2078-0958],v. 2198, p. 783-788
Derechos: by-nc-nd
Colección:Actas de congresos
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