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Título: Impedance functions of end-bearing inclined piles
Autores/as: Padrón, L. A. 
Aznárez, J. J. 
Maeso, O. 
Saitoh, Masato
Clasificación UNESCO: 120220 Ecuaciones diferenciales en derivadas parciales
120601 Construcción de algoritmos
330506 Ingeniería civil
330510 Cimientos
Palabras clave: Pilotes
Boundary element method
Fecha de publicación: 2012
Publicación seriada: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 
Resumen: In this work, stiffness and damping functions of pile foundations with inclined end-bearing piles have been computed for square 2X2 and 3X3 pile groups embedded in a soft stratum overlaying a rigid bedrock. The paper algo invetigates the influence that the assumption of a perfectly rigid bedrock and fixed boundary conditions at the pile tips have on the impedance functions.
ISSN: 0267-7261
DOI: 10.1016/j.soildyn.2012.01.010
Fuente: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering[ISSN 0267-7261],v. 38, p. 97-108
Derechos: by-nc-nd
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