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Title: Multiproperty correlation of experimental data of the binaries propyl ethanoate+alkanes (pentane to decane). New experimental information for vapor-liquid equilibrium and mixing properties
Authors: Fernández, Luis 
Ortega, Juan 
Pérez Guerrero, Estefanía
Toledo-Marante, Francisco J. 
Canosa, Jose
UNESCO Clasification: 3303 ingeniería y tecnología químicas
Keywords: Modeling
Phase equilibrio
Propyl ethanoate
Issue Date: 2013
Journal: Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 
Abstract: A thermodynamic study is carried out on binary systems composed of propyl ethanoate with six alkanes, from pentane to decane. Vapor pressures of the ester and the isobaric vapor_liquid equilibria of these six mixtures were measured at 101.32 kPa in a small-capacity ebulliometer and also the mixing properties yE = vE,hE over a range of temperatures and at atmospheric pressure. Adequate correlations are drawn for the surfaces yE = yE(x,T) with an interpretation on the behavior of the mixtures and also using cp E data from literature.
ISSN: 0021-9568
DOI: 10.1021/je3011979
Source: Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data [ISSN 0021-9568], v. 58 (3), p. 686-706
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