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Título: The vulnerability of soil carbon stocks as particulate and mineral-associated organic carbon in shrubland ecosystems of Tenerife
Autores/as: Sierra-Cornejo, N.
Rocafull, E.
Fernández-Palacios, J.M.
Piñero Jerez, E.
Rodríguez, F.
Otto, R.
Naranjo Cigala, Agustín 
Arencibia, L.F.
Arévalo, J.R.
Nascimento, L. de
Clasificación UNESCO: 5404 Geografía regional
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Conferencia: 4th Conference of the Society of Island Biology 
Fuente: 4th Conference of the Society of Island Biology, p. 81 (2023)
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