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Title: A systematic literature review of the relationship between demographic ageing and subjective Wellbeing: the role of religion and migration background
Authors: Di Rocco, Rossella Maria Pia
Indelicato, Alessandro 
Martín Hernández, Juan Carlos 
Marinello, Vincenzo
UNESCO Clasification: 6309 Grupos sociales
Keywords: Ageing
Issue Date: 2024
Journal: Migration Letters 
Abstract: This systematic literature review explores the relationship between demographic ageing and subjective well-being (SWB), with a focus on the roles of religion and migration background. Demographic ageing, driven by declining birth rates and increased life expectancy, poses significant challenges and pportunities for societies worldwide. SWB, encompassing cognitive and affective life evaluations, becomes a crucial dimension as populations age. This study investigates the1 multifaceted nature of SWB, considering factors such as health, income, social relationships, and societal roles, which evolve with age. Poor health is linked to reduced SWB, and the growing elderly population presents healthcare and welfare challenges. Social interactions and social bonds play pivotal roles in enhancing SWB, while transitions in income conditions during retirement affect mental health. Religion and migration experiences further complicate the relationship between ageing and SWB, with varying influences reported in existing studies.
ISSN: 1741-8992
DOI: 10.59670/ml.v21i8.11041
Source: Migration Letters Volume: 21, No:8 (2024), pp. 339-364
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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