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Title: Ileal Predominance in Crohn’s Disease Is Associated with Increased Intestinal Surgery and Biological Therapy Use, with Lower Treatment Persistence
Authors: Giordano, Antonio
Pérez-Martínez, Isabel
Gisbert, Javier P
Ricart, Elena
Martín-Arranz, María Dolores
Mesonero, Francisco
De Castro Parga, María Luisa
Rivero, Montserrat
Iglesias, Eva
Fernández-Prada, Samuel
Calafat, Margalida
Arroyo Villarino, María Teresa
Ángel de Jorge Turrión, Miguel
Hernandez-Camba, Alejandro
Lidón, Raquel Vicente
Carpio, Daniel
Brunet, Eduard
Moranta, Francisco Rodríguez
García, Lara Arias
Cuquerella, Joan Tosca
Bermejo, Fernando
Madero, Lucía
Esteve, Maria
González-Muñoza, Carlos
Martínez-Montiel, Pilar
Huguet, Jose M
Pérez Calle, Jose Lázaro
Rodríguez-Lago, Iago
Ausín, Mónica Sierra
Lorente Poyatos, Rufo H
García-Bosch, Orlando
Marín, Gerard Surís
Taxonera, Carlos
Ponferrada-Diaz, Ángel
Acosta, Manuel Barreiro-de
Bujanda, Luis
Serra, Rosa Blat
Ramos, Laura
Vera, Isabel
Abizanda, Eva Sesé
Piqueras, Marta
Gómez, Cristina Sánchez
García-Sepulcre, Mariana Fe
Arregui, Miren Vicuña
Murillo, Nuria Rull
LLaó, Jordina
Lucendo, Alfredo J
Marín-Jiménez, Ignacio
Camps-Aler, Blau
Villafranca, Carmen Muñoz
Ceballos Santos, Daniel Sebastián 
Ver, Yolanda
Fernández-Salazar, Luis Ignacio
Alcaín, Guillermo
Valldosera, Gemma
Andrés, Pilar Robledo
Martínez-Flores, Carlos
Coronel, Ana Fuentes
Ginard, Daniel
García, Laura
Gómez, Isabel Blázquez
Argüelles-Arias, Federico
Miyashiro, Eduardo Iyo
De la Piscina, Patricia Ramírez
Villalba, Luís Hernández
Notari, Pedro Almela
de Jesús Martínez-Pérez, Teresa
Fernández, Hipólito
Gilabert, Pau
Rosas, Concepción Muñóz
Nos, Pilar
Gil, Jesús Legido
Navas López, Víctor Manuel
Muñoz, Fernando
Diz-Lois Palomares, María Teresa
Lucio, Ana Santos
Merino, Olga
Nicolás de Prado, Isabel
Leal, Carles
Martín de Carpi, Javier
Sánchez, Lidia Buendía
Arce, Nuria Maroto
Frago, Santiago
Mateu, Belén Botella
Domènech, Eugeni
Planella, Esther Garcia
UNESCO Clasification: 32 Ciencias médicas
320503 Gastroenterología
Issue Date: 2025
Journal: The American journal of gastroenterology 
Abstract: Introduction: Crohn's disease (CD) varies by location, potentially affecting therapy efficacy and surgery risk, although research on this topic is conflicting. This study aims to investigate the independent association between CD location and therapeutic patterns. Methods: We analyzed patients with CD diagnosed from January 2005 to May 2023 registered in the nationwide ENEIDA registry. A univariate Cox regression analysis assessed the association of disease location with biologic use and persistence (with treatment discontinuation as a failure event), as well as the use of intestinal resections. A multivariate model was constructed to evaluate the independent association of disease location with therapeutic patterns, controlling for potential confounders such as sex, age at inclusion and diagnosis, disease duration and behavior, previous surgery or biological therapy, extraintestinal manifestations, and perianal disease. Results: The study included 17,292 patients with a median follow-up period of 6 years (interquartile range 2-10 years). Ileocolonic location was associated with a higher biologic use than colonic location (hazard ratio [HR] 1.30, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.22-1.38) and ileal disease (HR 1.21, 95% CI 1.16-1.27), independently predicting biologic use (P < 0.001). Ileal location was associated with a lower biologic persistence than ileocolonic location (HR 1.14, 95% CI 1.07-1.21) and colonic disease (HR 1.10, 95% CI 1.01-1.20), independently predicting biologic persistence (P = 0.019). Ileal disease was associated with a higher likelihood of intestinal resections than colonic (HR 2.82, 95% CI 2.45-3.25) and ileocolonic location (HR 1.13, 95% CI 1.05-1.22), independently predicting the use of surgery (P < 0.001). Discussion: CD location with ileal predominance is associated with a distinct therapeutic pattern, including higher biologic use, lower treatment persistence, and increased rates of intestinal resections.
ISSN: 0002-9270
DOI: 10.14309/ajg.0000000000003207
Source: The American journal of gastroenterology [eISSN 0002-9270], v. 120(1), pp. 194-203 (enero 2025)
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