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Title: Developing entrepreneurial opportunities through multi-layered liabilities: the experiences of female migrant entrepreneurs
Authors: Kabbara, Diala
Suárez Ortega, Sonia María 
Zucchella, Antonella
UNESCO Clasification: 531104 Organización de recursos humanos
Keywords: Immigrant Entrepreneurship
Women Entrepreneurs
Growth, et al
Issue Date: 2025
Journal: International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 
Abstract: This paper aims to explore the entrepreneurial processes of opportunity development in the context of multi-layered liabilities affecting women of foreign origin and living in Western countries. Europe represents a key destination for growing migration flows and a particularly interesting context for studying the different facets of this highly relevant phenomenon. This research adopts an interpretive philosophy, and analyses the narratives of the experiences, together with a longitudinal study of their ventures, of six female entrepreneurs of different foreign origins (Syria, Morocco, Lebanon, Italy, Argentina and Cuba) in three European countries (the UK, Italy, and Spain). The findings unveil how five different liabilities may, in an intertwined manner, affect these female entrepreneurs and their ventures: namely the liabilities of gender, foreignness, origin, newness, and smallness. The findings also illustrate how female entrepreneurs of foreign origin develop entrepreneurial opportunities to cope with these multi-layered liabilities to gain legitimation.
ISSN: 1554-7191
DOI: 10.1007/s11365-024-01010-3
Source: International Entrepreneurship And Management Journal[ISSN 1554-7191],v. 21 (1), (Diciembre 2025)
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