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Título: Experimental Evaluation of Multi-Carrier Phase Difference Localization in Bluetooth Low Energy
Autores/as: Nikodem, MacIej
Trajnowicz, Grzegorz
De Blasio , Gabriele Salvatore 
Quesada Arencibia, Francisco Alexis 
Clasificación UNESCO: 3307 Tecnología electrónica
Palabras clave: Angle Of Arrival
Bluetooth Low Energy
Channel Sounding
Indoor Positioning
Iot, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2024
Publicación seriada: IEEE Sensors Journal 
Resumen: Historically, the first indoor localization method using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) relied on received signal strength indicator (RSSI) measurements. This simple and cost-effective method suffers from limited accuracy due to its high susceptibility to environmental factors. The introduction of angle-of-arrival (AoA) functionality in BLE v5.1 significantly improved accuracy by enabling signal phase measurements. AoA exploits the phase difference of the received signal across spatially distributed antennas to estimate the direction of arrival and then pinpoint the location using triangulation. In contrast, multi-carrier phase difference (MCPD) leverages the phase difference of the signal at a single antenna but across different frequencies. The phase difference is used to estimate the distance, which allows the location to be determined using multilateration. MCPD is a recent addition to the BLE standard known as channel sounding, but unfortunately, real-world evaluations of this method are scarce. This paper addresses this gap by experimentally analyzing the performance of MCPD in an indoor environment. We conduct comprehensive experiments in a 100m2 office space, comparing the accuracy of MCPD with RSSI and AoA-based approaches in the same area. The results show that the MCPD technique yields similar localization accuracy to the AoA method, with a mean localization error of 0.98m and 1.26 m, respectively, while avoiding the need for complex antenna arrays. Additionally, MCPD significantly outperforms RSSI-based methods, which have a mean localization error of 3.83 m.
ISSN: 1530-437X
DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2024.3495030
Fuente: IEEE Sensors Journal[ISSN 1530-437X], (Enero 2024)
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