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Title: Performance evaluation of nanofiltration membranes for SWRO brine valorisation: Insights from a pilot plant under real conditions
Authors: Rivero Falcón, A.
López López, Y.
Peñate Suárez, B.
Melián Martel, Noemí 
UNESCO Clasification: 330303 Procesos químicos
Keywords: Brine Mining
Brine Pre-Treatment
Brine Valorisation
Pilot Plant, et al
Issue Date: 2024
Journal: Separation and Purification Technology 
Abstract: The success of a desalination brine valorisation process heavily depends on the effectiveness of the pre-treatment stage, which purifies the brine by reducing the concentration of ions that could form insoluble compounds and hinder system performance. This study focused on testing an innovative nanofiltration (NF) pilot plant operating with 144 m3/d of actual brine from an upstream seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) pilot plant located in the Canary Islands (North Atlantic Ocean). The NF membranes tested (NE8040-40) played a critical role, demonstrating exceptional rejection rates for divalent ions, therefore also increasing their concentration in the divalent-rich stream, setting the stage for future valorisation of the related by-products. Simultaneously, these NF membranes allowed the achievement of a high-purity monovalent-rich stream with Na+ and Cl– concentrations reaching approximately 98 %, potentially enabling the generation of valuable commercial products in subsequent stages. The NF system was thoroughly assessed under different conditions of flow, pressure, and recovery rates, incorporating extensive process monitoring with comprehensive sensor data.
ISSN: 1383-5866
DOI: 10.1016/j.seppur.2024.130774
Source: Separation and Purification Technology [ISSN 1383-5866], v. 359.
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