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Title: A Life Cycle Analysis Applied to Municipal Effluents in Africa Has the Potential to Make a Significant Contribution to the Field
Authors: Chirinza Rafael Penicela, Nicolau 
Muguirrima Vasco Mariano, Paulino 
García Ramírez, Tania Del Pino 
León Zerpa, Federico Antonio 
Mendieta Pino, Carlos Alberto 
UNESCO Clasification: 3313 Tecnología e ingeniería mecánicas
3308 Ingeniería y tecnología del medio ambiente
3328 Procesos tecnológicos
Keywords: Life Cycle (LCA)
Natural Treatment
Climate Change
Issue Date: 2024
Project: Mitigación del cambio climático a través de la innovación en el ciclo del agua mediante tecnologías bajas en carbono 
Journal: Preprints
Abstract: The objective of the described activity is to develop technologies or proposals that can be implemented within the cycle to enhance the relationship between climate change, water, energy, and food. The focus is on analyzing natural treatment systems for wastewater (NTSW) within the context of Macaronesia, considering factors such as life cycle assessment (LCA), carbon footprint, impacts, and mitigation capacity. The analysis of real case data from the Canary Islands and Cape Verde will inform the development of appropriate technologies tailored to different areas and scales within Macaronesia. This work includes a comprehensive life cycle analysis of the Santa Catarina (Cape Verde) NTSW. This analysis encompasses: a) Inventory analysis of the construction phase: This involves the assessment of inputs and outputs associated with the construction of the NTSW, including materials, energy consumption, transportation, and waste generation. The maintenance and operation phase is then evaluated, with a focus on the ongoing maintenance and operation activities required for the NTSW, including energy consumption, water usage, chemical inputs (if any), labour, and equipment maintenance. Finally, the impacts of the NTSW are evaluated. The environmental, social, and economic impacts generated by the NTSW are assessed. This includes an analysis of factors such as carbon emissions, water usage, land use, ecosystem impacts, human health effects, and economic costs. By conducting a comprehensive analysis of the Santa Catarina NTSW, the document aims to provide insights into the environmental performance and sustainability of the system. This information can then be used to identify areas for improvement, develop mitigation strategies, and inform decision-making processes regarding wastewater treatment technologies in Macaronesia. Furthermore, lessons learned from real case studies in the Canary Islands and Cape Verde can be applied to similar regions within the Macaronesia archipelago.
ISSN: 2310-287X
DOI: 10.20944/preprints202407.1488.v1
Source: Preprints [ISSN 2310-287X], v. 1, 2024071488
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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