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Título: Maternal and fetal factors for determining the cesarean section type (scheduled/emergency) in bitches
Autores/as: Rodríguez Trujillo, Raquel Del Carmen 
Alemán, Dácil
Batista Arteaga, Miguel 
Moreno, Carla
Santana, Melania
Iusupova, Kseniia 
Alamo Santana,Desiree 
Clasificación UNESCO: 310411 Reproducción
Palabras clave: Bitch
Cesarean Section
Congenital Malformations
Maternal Features
Neonatal Mortality
Fecha de publicación: 2024
Publicación seriada: Theriogenology 
Resumen: One hundred and forty bitches and their offspring (689 puppies) were involved in this study. The influence of different maternal features such as age, breed (brachycephalic/non-brachycephalic), previous births (primiparous/multiparous), health status (complete/incomplete) and litter size over the type of cesarean sections (scheduled/emergency), the neonatal survival, and the incidence of congenital malformations were also examined. Scheduled cesareans were predominant (104/140), of which 90 % were brachycephalic breeds and females were mostly between 2 and 4 years old (54.8 %), multiparous (88.4 %) and with a correct health status (67.3 %). Emergency cesarean sections mainly involved non-brachycephalic breeds (80 %) and were carried out mostly in females under 4 years of age (72.2 %), primiparous (77.7 %), with incomplete health status and a large litter size (47.2 %). Perinatal mortality was notably higher in emergency C-sections (3.25 % and 13.3 %, scheduled and emergency C-sections, respectively); the highest incidence of neonatal mortality was recorded in young females (<2, 2–4 years old), primiparous and with incomplete health status. Congenital anomalies were observed in 4.50 % (31/689) of the puppies, with anasarca (38.71 %) and cleft palate (29.03 %) being the most frequently observed malformations. A higher incidence of congenital malformations was detected in puppies from dams with incomplete sanitary health and from inbreeding cross. Overall, the study provides valuable insights into the complex interplay between maternal characteristics and cesarean outcomes. Appropriate genetic selection, good sanitary health conditions, and the age of the reproducers, are pivotal factors in planning for gestation and improving the survival of neonates.
ISSN: 0093-691X
DOI: 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2024.07.020
Fuente: Theriogenology[ISSN 0093-691X],v. 227, p. 144-150, (Octubre 2024)
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