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Title: Mild cognitive impairment diagnosed with the new DSM-5 criteria: Prevalence and associations with non-cognitive psychopathology
Authors: Lopez-Anton, R.
Santabárbara, J.
De-la-Cámara, C.
Gracia-García, P.
Lobo, E.
Marcos, G.
Pírez Mora, Guillermo Julio 
Saz, P.
Haro, J. M.
Rodríguez-Mañas, L.
Modrego, P. J.
Dewey, M. E.
Lobo, A.
UNESCO Clasification: 32 Ciencias médicas
3211 Psiquiatría
Keywords: Community study
Mild cognitive impairment
Non-cognitive psychopathological symptoms
Issue Date: 2015
Journal: Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica 
Abstract: Objective: To contrast the prevalence of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) as diagnosed using DSM-5 criteria (DSM5-MCI) with MCI as diagnosed using Petersen's criteria (P-MCI) and to explore the association of both with non-cognitive psychopathological symptoms (NCPS). Method: A two-phase epidemiological screening was implemented in a population-based sample of individuals aged 55+ (n = 4803). The Geriatric Mental State (GMS) was the main psychopathological instrument used, and AGECAT was used to make psychiatric diagnoses. Research psychiatrists diagnosed DSM5-MCI and P-MCI using operational criteria. Logistic regression models were then used to investigate the association of MCI with anxiety and depression and with NCPS. Results: Weighted prevalence of DSM5-MCI and P-MCI was, respectively, 3.72% and 7.93% for the aged 65+. NCPS were common in both MCI categories, but negative-type symptoms such as 'anergia' and 'observed slowness' were considerably more frequent among persons with DSM5-MCI. Anxiety and depression diagnostic categories were associated with both P-MCI and DSM5-MCI, but affective-type symptoms were mainly associated with P-MCI. Some negative-type symptoms were inversely associated with P-MCI, and no association was observed with DSM5-MCI. Conclusion: The prevalence of DSM5-MCI was half that of P-MCI. Negative-type NCPS were more frequently and typically associated with DSM5-MCI.
ISSN: 0001-690X
DOI: 10.1111/acps.12297
Source: Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica [0001-690x], v. 131 (1), p. 29-39 (enero 2015)
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