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Título: Proposal of a new porous concrete dosage methodology for pavements
Autores/as: Elizondo-Martinez, Eduardo Javier
Andres Valeri, Valerio Carlos 
Rodriguez-Hernandez, Jorge
Castro-Fresno, Daniel
Clasificación UNESCO: 330506 Ingeniería civil
Palabras clave: Compressive strength
Indirect tensile strength
Skid resistance
Stiffness modulus, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2019
Publicación seriada: Materials 
Resumen: Although porous concrete pavement design methods are mainly focused on maintaining high permeability rates in order to improve their ability to manage stormwater runoff, the mixture strength is paramount for its durability and service life. This paper proposes a new mixture design method for porous concrete, named PCD (porous concrete design), derived from the ACI 522R-10 and ACI 211.3R-02 standards. The aim is to improve mechanical strength in porous concrete mixtures, while ensuring enough permeability for its use in urban roads. With PCD methodology it is possible to obtain mechanical strengths 30% higher than those produced with ACI methodologies, while maintaining permeability rates close to 2 cm/s, lower than those obtained with ACI methods but still enough to manage extreme storm events. Finally, with the analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) multi-criteria decision-making methodology and also bearing in mind safety variables, the best porous concrete mixtures are the ones produced with PCD methodology.
ISSN: 1996-1944
DOI: 10.3390/ma12193100
Fuente: Materials [ISSN 1996-1944], v. 12 (19), 3100, (Septiembre 2019)
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