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Title: Closure to "relationship between Urban runoff pollutant and catchment characteristics" by Jorge Rodriguez-Hernandez, Andrés H. Fernández-Barrera, Valerio C. A. Andrés-Valeri, Angel Vega-Zamanillo, and Daniel Castro-Fresno
Authors: Rodriguez-Hernandez, Jorge
Fernández-Barrera, Andrés H.
Andres Valeri, Valerio Carlos 
Vega-Zamanillo, Angel
Castro-Fresno, Daniel
UNESCO Clasification: 330515 Ingeniería hidráulica
330506 Ingeniería civil
Keywords: Event mean concentration (EMC)
Nonpoint pollution
Storm water
Water quality
Issue Date: 2015
Journal: Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering - ASCE 
Abstract: Much research has been done to determine levels of contamination in runoff from urban and rural catchment areas. Some authors compare their results with other authors or look for relationships between the variations of pollutant concentration and the catchment characteristics, but they seldom focus on determining the statistical significance of their results. This paper presents a review of 37 papers selected from a total of 169 papers consulted about runoff-water quality throughout the world (America, Asia, and Europe). The results presented in these 37 papers have been reviewed and statistically analyzed to evaluate the influence of catchment-area characteristics (location, size, average daily traffic, and type of land use) on the storm water runoff pollution. For the cases studied, most of the results about the polluting agents studied are comparable and no important element of the catchment characteristics had significant influence on the pollutants' concentration. © 2013 American Society of Civil Engineers.
ISSN: 0733-9437
DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0000617
Source: Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering [ISSN 0733-9437], v. 139 (10), (Abril 2013)
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