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Título: Comparative analysis of the outflow water quality of two sustainable linear drainage systems
Autores/as: Andres Valeri, Valerio Carlos 
Castro-Fresno, D.
Sañudo-Fontaneda, L. A.
Rodriguez-Hernandez, J.
Clasificación UNESCO: 330506 Ingeniería civil
330515 Ingeniería hidráulica
Palabras clave: Best management practice (BMP)
Concrete ditch
Filter drain
Swale, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2014
Publicación seriada: Water Science and Technology 
Resumen: Three different drainage systems were built in a roadside car park located on the outskirts of Oviedo (Spain): two sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS), a swale and a filter drain; and one conventional drainage system, a concrete ditch, which is representative of the most frequently used roadside drainage system in Spain. The concentrations of pollutants were analyzed in the outflow of all three systems in order to compare their capacity to improve water quality. Physicochemical water quality parameters such as dissolved oxygen, total suspended solids, pH, electrical conductivity, turbidity and total petroleum hydrocarbons were monitored and analyzed for 25 months. Results are presented in detail showing significantly smaller amounts of outflow pollutants in SUDS than in conventional drainage systems, especially in the filter drain which provided the best performance.
ISSN: 0273-1223
DOI: 10.2166/wst.2014.382
Fuente: Water Science and Technology [ISSN 0273-1223], v. 70 (8), p. 1341–1347 (Agosto 2014)
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