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Title: Implementation of the inverted classroom in Organic Chemistry laboratory practices
Authors: Rico Santos, Milagros 
Santiago-Díaz, Paula 
Rodríguez Pérez, Elsa María 
UNESCO Clasification: 58 Pedagogía
Issue Date: 2023
Project: Metodologías activas y gamificación para la mejora del autoaprendizaje y la motivación del alumnado (PIE 2022-66)
Journal: International Journal of Human Sciences Research 
Abstract: This work presents the application of the flipped classroom methodology in the subject Organic Chemistry, taught in the second year of the degree in Chemical Engineering, at the School of Industrial and Civil Engineering of ``Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria``. To this end, the student was assigned the task of preparing the laboratory practices as autonomous work, making available the custom-designed academic materials (a practice manual with the theoretical foundations and the experimental procedure, and a collection of explanatory videos on the management of the basic instrumental techniques required in each practice). Before carrying out each practical experience, the student will complete a questionnaire that will allow him or her to know his or her level of preparation to face the experience, and once this is completed in the laboratory, he or she will complete a final report. Following this approach, the results have been very positive in relation to the learning of laboratory techniques and theoretical foundations of the experiments developed, as well as the critical thinking capacity that students develop. They were very satisfied with what they learned in the laboratory practices and with the methodology used.
ISSN: 2764-0558
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.5583392319106
Source: International Journal of Human Sciences Research [ISSN 2764-0558], v. 3, n. 39
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