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Título: Recyclability assessment of lignocellulosic fiber composites: reprocessing of giant reed/HDPE composites by compression molding
Autores/as: Suárez García, Luis Adargoma 
Ní Mhuirí, Aoife
Millar, Bronagh
McCourt, Mark
Cunningham, Eoin
Ortega Medina, Zaida Cristina 
Clasificación UNESCO: 2304 Química macromolecular
Fecha de publicación: 2024
Conferencia: 8th International Scientific-Technical Conference MANUFACTURING 2024 
Fuente: 8th International Scientific-Technical Conference MANUFACTURING 2024 / General Chair Adam HAMROL, 14–16.05.2024, Poznan University of Technology, Poland. Day 2, May 15 (Wednesday)
Colección:Póster de congreso
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