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Title: La evolución de las políticas sociales sobre envejecimiento en los últimos 30 años en España
Authors: Díaz Bolaños, Carmen Delia 
UNESCO Clasification: 590215 Política social
631011 Bienestar social
Issue Date: 2023
Conference: 5th scientific-practical conference, with international participation. "Social work, management and social development: contemporary challenges, perspectives and innovative practices, 2023". 
ISSN: 2815-5378
Source: Социална работа, мениджмънт и социално развитие: съвременни предизвикателства, перспективи и иновативни практики ... : сборник с доклади = Social work, management and social development: contemporary challenges, perspectives and innovative practices ... : conference proceedings, (2023)
Appears in Collections:Actas de congresos
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