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Título: New horizons in prescriptivism research
Coordinadores/as, Directores/as o Editores/as: Yáñez Bouza,Nuria 
Rodríguez Gil, María Esther 
Pérez Guerra, Javier
Clasificación UNESCO: 5702 Lingüística diacrónica
Fecha de publicación: 2024
Editor/a: Multilingual Matters 
Publicación seriada: New Horizons In Prescriptivism Research
Resumen: This book investigates the connections between evaluative judgements on language and the larger social, cultural, and political issues that shed light on the practice of prescriptivism. The chapters cover three main areas: language, which represents the traditional roots of the study of linguistic norms in authoritative (historical) manuals and judgemental attitudes to language usage; literary and scripted texts, which illustrates the enregisterment of the values of linguistic prescriptivism as a social and cultural phenomenon; and speech communities, which reflects the growth in scope of the field to consider geographical contexts beyond mainstream British and American English to include varieties of English and other languages worldwide. The book also discusses recent theoretical and methodological advances in the study of prescriptivism.
ISBN: 9781800416154
DOI: 10.21832/YANEZ6147
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