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Título: Calcium carbonate coating of PLA scaffolds by pressure-assisted and heat-induced method
Autores/as: Monzón Verona, Mario Domingo 
Donate González, Ricardo 
Paz Hernández, Rubén 
Quintana Pérez, Álvaro Miguel 
Bordón Pérez, Pablo Rubén 
Clasificación UNESCO: 3311 tecnología de la instrumentación
3328 Procesos tecnológicos
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Proyectos: Nuevos Scaffolds Piezoeléctricos de Compuestos Nanoestructurados Para la Regeneración Ósea Mediante Fabricación Aditiva 
Conferencia: TERMIS-AP 2023 Conference
Resumen: By embedding ceramic particles as a coating, the functionality improvement of polymeric scaffolds can be concentrated on the cell-surface interface, thus creating a more favorable environment for the adhesion and proliferation of cells. Additive Manufacturing (AM) techniques constitute a powerful tool for bone tissue engineering (BTE), allowing the production of 3D porous structures with great control over pore size, to mimic the function of native bone tissue. In this work, a pressure-assisted and heat-induced method to coat AM- manufactured polylactic acid (PLA) scaffolds with ceramic particles (calcium carbonate, CaCO3) is presented.
Fuente: TERMIS-AP 2023 Conference. New Vista of Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine / October 16-19, 2023, Hong Kong
Colección:Póster de congreso
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