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Título: Best practices for the design, planning, and justification of training plans for the promotion of entrepreneurship and innovation in SMEs
Autores/as: Mendieta Pino, Carlos Alberto 
Lozano Medina, Juan Carlos 
León Zerpa, Federico Antonio 
Chirinza Rafael Penicela, Nicolau 
Mirza Rosca, Julia Claudia 
Clasificación UNESCO: 3328 Procesos tecnológicos
331005 Ingeniería de procesos
Fecha de publicación: 2024
Proyectos: ERASMUS 2023-1-RO01-KA220-HED-000159985: Smart Healthcare Engineering
Conferencia: 13th International Conference on Materials Science & Engineering (BraMat 2024) 
Resumen: One of the priorities of the European Union is the promotion of entrepreneurship among researchers, as it has become a key factor in the development of a knowledge-based economy. The aim is to ensure the sustained growth of start-ups and Small and Medium Enterprise (SMEs) and to improve their survival in the current economic environment.
Fuente: BRAMAT 2024. 13th International Conference on Materials Science & Engineering / Transilvania University of Brasov (Romania), 13-16 March, 2024
Colección:Póster de congreso
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