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Title: Hypotension prediction index guided goal-directed therapy to reduce postoperative acute kidney injury during major abdominal surgery: study protocol for a multicenter randomized controlled clinical trial
Authors: Ripollés-Melchor, Javier
Carrasco-Sánchez, Laura
Tomé-Roca, José L.
Aldecoa, César
Zorrilla-Vaca, Andres
Lorente-Olazábal, Juan V.
Colomina, María J.
Pérez, Ana
Jiménez-López, Juan I.
Navarro-Pérez, Rosalía
Abad-Gurumeta, Alfredo
Monge-García, Manuel I.*
Becerra Bolaños, Ángel** 
Rodríguez Pérez, Aurelio Eduardo** 
UNESCO Clasification: 32 Ciencias médicas
3205 Medicina interna
320506 Nefrología
Keywords: Acute Kidney Injury
Early oal-irected emodynamic therapy
Fluid herapy
Hemodynamic onitoring
Hemodynamic ptimization, et al
Issue Date: 2024
Journal: Trials 
Abstract: Background: Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a significant postoperative complication associated with increased mortality and hospital costs. Hemodynamic strategies, such as goal-directed therapy, might reduce AKI risk. Predicting and proactively managing intraoperative hypotension may be helpful. This trial aims to investigate if a preemptive hemodynamic strategy guided by the hypotension prediction index (HPI) can decrease the incidence of moderate-to-severe AKI within 30 days following major elective abdominal surgery. Methods: This is an open-label, controlled, multicenter, randomized clinical trial that involves daily patient follow-up until hospital discharge. Inclusion criteria are patients aged over 65 and/or categorized as ASA III or IV physical status, undergoing major elective abdominal surgery (general, urological, or gynecological procedures) via laparoscopic or open approach under general or combined anesthesia. Intervention: In the intervention group, hemodynamic management will be based on the HPI and the advanced functional hemodynamic variables provided by the Hemosphere platform and the AcumenIQ® sensor (Edwards Lifesciences). The primary outcome is the incidence of moderate-to-severe AKI within 7 days post-surgery. Secondary outcomes include postoperative complications and 30-day mortality. Discussion: This study explores the potential of HPI-guided hemodynamic management in reducing AKI after major elective abdominal surgery, with implications for postoperative outcomes and patient care.
ISSN: 1745-6215
DOI: 10.1186/s13063-024-08113-w
Source: Trials [ISSN 1745-6215], v. 25 (1), p: 1-19, (2024).
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