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Título: Multiple directorships and dividends in Spanish listed firms
Autores/as: Aguiar Díaz, Inmaculada 
Díaz Díaz, Nieves Lidia 
Ruiz Mallorquí, María Victoria 
Clasificación UNESCO: 5303 Contabilidad económica
531102 Gestión financiera
Palabras clave: Corporate Governance
Dividend Policy
Multiple Directorships
Fecha de publicación: 2024
Publicación seriada: Borsa Istanbul Review 
Resumen: This study analyzes the impact of directors belonging to several boards (multiple directorships) on the dividend policy of firms. As the composition of a board has an impact on its effectiveness and the quality of corporate governance, this study focuses on the presence of multiple directorships. Theoretically, the literature presents two competing hypotheses regarding the impact of this type of directorship on firm performance—reputation and dedication hypotheses. Based on a sample of nonfinancial companies listed on the Spanish stock market from 2008 to 2019, the study finds that a greater presence of multiple directorships increases the propensity of firms to pay dividends, as well as the level of cash dividends, supporting the reputation hypothesis. In addition, we find that ownership concentration moderates the relationship between multiple directorships and dividends.
ISSN: 2214-8450
DOI: 10.1016/j.bir.2024.04.002
Fuente: Borsa Istanbul Review[ISSN 2214-8450], (Enero 2024)
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